Global Ethics & Compliances


1- The Business World Should Support The Declared Human Rights And Respect The Rights.

It was the 30-point notice which was prepared by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights in June 1948 and adopted in the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, after several amendments were made. It is clearly stated that the recognition and recognition of the natural structure of the world. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS United Nations General Assembly; proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets common ideal measures for education and training,

As Escudo Group Inc., we affirm that we are committed to these principles and our employees. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Therefore, it is one of our indispensables to carry out activities and support the studies while adhering to this declaration. It is not possible for any country or community to have respected internationally. We are aware of this process, in which each individual company is trained separately, is very important. It is extremely inexact to evaluate. Companies are also in the mirror position. For this reason, it is essential that all companies operate in the local area. Our Company's primary goals include promoting and respecting Human Rights. Our company, which is very sensitive about human beings, is also based on human beings. s Primary goals include promoting and respecting Human Rights. Our company, which is very sensitive about human beings, is also based on human beings. s Primary goals include promoting and respecting Human Rights. Our company, which is very sensitive about human beings, is also based on human beings.

Principle 2: Business World Human Rights Violations

Escudo Group Inc., as it is against the violation of human rights, is not considered to be a crime partner in any way. One of its main aims is to protect and defend human rights. Violations of human rights, but they also constitute a crime. The Escudo Group has always been in the face of criminal acts and activities. For this, employees are given a special training and sensitivity. It is clear that all of us should fight against human

rights violations, when considered that they are very intensely experienced today. As an individual and the company, we always need to stand up against human rights violations. In addition, the philosophy and experience of our company have been acquired. Our company is sensitive in this direction. Until today, this sensitivity has always been observed in all the studies done and prioritized by our company. Companies must not stand against them. A structure in which human rights violations are ignored means implicitly the consent of human rights violations. It is a duty of all of the world. At this point we sustain our efforts and work to increase our cooperation, to achieve the human rights. Human rights violations are acceptable. Sanctions must be imposed on companies. Our company, which has completed its third year, will always be sensitive in this regard. Sanctions must be imposed on companies. Our company, which has completed its third year, will always be sensitive in this regard. Sanctions must be imposed on companies. Our company, which has completed its third year, will always be sensitive in this regard.


Principle 3: Business World Should Support Employees' Freedom of Unionization and Collective Bargaining

Escudo Group supports all kinds of freedoms of employees. Employees' freedoms for unionization and collective bargaining are among our defended values. It will always continue to improve their standards.

Principle 4: Forced and Compulsory Labor

Forced and compulsory labor is a human rights violation in itself. Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights. As stated in the second paragraph of Article 4, no one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labor. Escudo group, as being opposed to forced and compulsory labor, has been a follower of that issue at the same time. It has ended with the labor force, especially with the established workplaces.

Therefore, everyone has important duties in this regard. In the works and operations, it is absolutely unnecessary. Necessary precautions should be taken and also information should be given to the relevant places.

Unfortunately, with increasing migration and number of asylees, we see that there has been an increase in the number of years. Special work should be done.

Principle 5: All Kinds of Child Labor Must Be Terminated

One of the most important problems of today is the increasing number of child laborers. The number of child laborers in Turkey is not fully known. One of the most important reasons for this is the lack of statistics, the lack of statistics on illegal working children.

As Escudo group, as we are against child labor, we do not work with those employers in this way. In our country where the number of child laborers has gradually increased, we should be able to search for avert and minimize this. In this respect, sufficient public opinion was carried out as insufficient. The essential thing for children is not the labor, but the education. In particular, the state needs to take very serious precautions in this regard. As a private sector, we are always ready to give support. As Escudo Group, not only to employ a child laborer, but to work with them. The economic development of the community does not mean much by itself. At the same time, serious progress should be made in educational, socio-cultural and artistic directions. Otherwise, it always remains in the background. For this reason, it is duty-free.

Principle 6: Employment and Placement Must Be Stopped

Escudo Group is against all kinds of discrimination. As it does not discriminate. Being gender equality at the first place, it approaches everyone

races, religions, colors, sects and genders. There is no question of any discrimination between anyone. Escudo group strongly rejects discrimination.

It does not handle absolutely any discrimination between its employees. In particular, half of its employees are women. In this regard, it constitutes a good example.


Principle 7: Business World Should Support Precautionary Approaches to Environmental Issues

The business world should support sensitivity and precautionary approaches to environmental issues. The Escudo Group is extremely sensitive to environmental issues and avoids approaches.

Today, when environmental issues are rising, everyone and every segment should exhibit a precautionary approach to environmental issues. One of today's most important issues is the environmental issues. Any product that is not sensitive to the environment should not be preferred. We should always be cautious and exhibit away from environmental sensitivities.

Principle 8: All Kinds of Formations and Activities to Enhance Environmental Responsibility Should Be Supported

Environmental responsibility is one of the most important issues today. Without environmental responsibility, we cannot talk about the world. This will increase the environmental responsibility. Escudo Group is also a member of the Tema Foundation operating in Turkey. It also supports every activity that enhances the environmental responsibility. All employees are provided to act with environmental responsibility awareness.

Principle 9: The Development and Diffusion of Environment-Friendly Technologies

Nowadays, when technology makes progress very rapidly, we should give up the non-environmentally friendly and environmentally damaging technological approaches. The fact that technology dominates will cause serious problems for the future. For that reason, we need to enable environmentally friendly technologies as possible.


Principle 10: Business World Should Fight Against All Kinds Of Corruption Including Bribery And Tribute.

Corruption is one of the most serious problems of today's world. Related to this, very serious numbers can be mentioned. The important thing is that you should show this sensitivity in yourself, object to corruption and fight seriously. Today, we face a serious corruption problem unfortunately in many of the world's systems and locations. Escudo Group, as well as being against all kinds of corruption, sees these acts, which do not respect others' rights, as a violation of human rights. Our company, which operates with an understanding based on transparency. From the end of the work, it is acted with a very transparent management mechanism.

A company that has always cared for human sensitivity, especially in poor and difficult circumstances. Bribery, tribute, and corruption. Fight against corruption is one of our company's top priorities.

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